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Dr. Reddy
has been teaching both undergraduate and graduate courses and has been
equally occupied with funded research activities in the MTE Department. Some of the courses he has been
teaching are chemical, metallurgical and materials science and
engineering are
Thermodynamics, High-temperature
materials processing, Chemical metallurgy, Introduction to ceramics,
Materials Transport Phenomena, Phase diagrams and Materials engineering
The courses were received well by both graduate and
undergraduate students. High-temperature materials processing laboratory
by including several computer-aided experiments were installed to
enhance the quality of instruction in undergraduate engineering
curriculum. He also taught several short courses in USA and abroad.
A detail list of courses is given with course details on some of his
recent courses. |
List of Courses Taught |
to Met. E. / Ch. E. Processes |
Advanced Metallurgical
Thermodynamics |
Extractive Metallurgy - Pyrometallurgy |
Statistical Thermodynamics * |
Pyrometallurgy Laboratory * |
Physical Ceramics |
Processes in Metallurgy * |
Metallurgical Thermodynamics |
Introduction to Ceramics * |
Phase Diagrams - Thermodynamics
and Construction * |
Metallurgy - Ferrous/Non-Ferrous Metallurgy |
Advanced Materials Processing * |
Stability and Processing of Materials * |
Materials Engineering Design I* |
Metallurgy * |
Materials Engineering Design II* |
Materials Transport Phenomena * |
Transport Phenomena* |
indicates new courses developed |
MTE 353:
Transport Phenomena |
Text Book:
Lecture Notes and Materials |
Course Outline:
The purpose of this course is to deliver basic
knowledge of Transport Phenomena to the students. Specifically, the
course covers introduction and definitions, material and energy
balances, momentum transport laminar flow, equation of continuity
and conservation of momentum and fluid flow, turbulent flow,
mechanical energy balance and its application to fluid flow,
transport heat by conduction and convection, transient heat flow ,
heat transport by thermal radiation, mass transport by diffusion in
the solid state, mass transport by diffusion in the solid state, and
mass transport in solids. In addition, experiments are demonstrated
in laboratories on heat transfer and thermal conductivity
measurements, and heat capacity and thermodynamic calculations. |
MTE 362: Thermodynamics Materials |
Text Book:
Thermodynamics, 2nd Edition, by N. A Gokcen and R. G. Reddy,
Plenum Press, New York and London, 1996. |
Course Outline:
A continuation of the
first course in thermodynamics for upper-class metallurgical engineering
students. This course is intended to give a broad review of
thermodynamics as applied condensed phases, thermochemistry applied to
typical metallurgical processes, graphical representations of equilibria,
binary and ternary phase diagrams, heterogeneous equilibrium, behavior
of solutions, standard states and electrochemical thermodynamics. As far
as the text is concerned, we will proceed through 2, 7 to 14 chapters in
the textbook, but we will spends more time on some chapters than the
others. |
441: Chemical Metallurgy |
Text Books: |
Principles of Extractive Metallurgy, 2nd Ed., Terkel
Rosenqvist, McGraw-Hill, Inc., 1983. |
Thermodynamics of Non-Ferrous
Metallurgical Processes-Extractive Metallurgy Lectures,
R. G. Reddy, UM Research, Olen, Belgium, 1997. |
Chemical Metallurgy Laboratory Manual,
R. G. Reddy, The University of Alabama,
Outline: An upper level course designed for seniors and/or
graduate students. This course is aimed at understanding
of metal extraction based on first principles,
the application of thermodynamics, fluid flow, and heat and mass
transfer to the design and operation of common chemical metallurgical
Pyro-, Hydro-, and Electro-metallurgical processes involved in
extraction of ferrous and non- ferrous metals, application of
fundamental concepts to selected topics in iron and steelmaking, and the
roasting, smelting, refining of non-ferrous metals such as copper, lead,
zinc, aluminum and magnesium are covered. Laboratory experiments on
selected topics will be conducted. Computer process calculations and
process flow sheets will be analyzed. |
MTE 476: Physical Ceramics |
Text Book:
Introduction to Ceramics, by
Kingery, Bowen and Uhlmann |
Course Outline:
This course is intended to
give a broad review of science and engineering aspects of high
temperature materials, ceramics. It is structured to teach students the
properties, processing, and chemistry of ceramic materials. Topics
include ceramic raw materials, refractories, thermal properties,
mechanical properties, processing, advanced ceramics, and etc. As far as
the text is concerned, we will proceed through the chapters, in the
textbook , but we will spent more time on some chapters than the others. |
MTE 562: Metallurgical
Thermodynamics |
Text Book:
Thermodynamics, 2nd Edition,
by N. A Gokcen and R. G. Reddy, Plenum Press, New York and London, 1996. |
Course Outline:
This course is intended to
give a broad review of thermodynamic principles as applied to
metallurgical and materials processes. As far as the text is concerned,
we will proceed through all the chapters in the textbook, but we will
spend more time on some chapters than the others. |
MTE 680: Phase
Diagrams |
Text Book: R. G. Reddy,
Metallurgy Lectures: Phase Diagrams
(Thermodynamics and Construction), Presented at MHO, Hoboken,
Belgium, 1992. |
Course Outline:
This course is intended to
give broad review of principles of phase equilibria; the Gibbs phase
rule; chemical potentials; estimation of entropy, enthalpy and heat of
fusion and experimental methods in determination of phase diagrams. the
constructions of phase diagrams and determination of thermodynamic data
from phase diagrams are covered. Stability diagrams construction:
metal-sulfur-oxygen systems for pyrometallurgical processes and Eh-pH
diagrams for hydrometallurgical processes are presented. Finally,
ternary systems, relationship between phase diagrams and thermodynamic
data and phase and composition determinations, and cooling paths during
cooling of the ternary melts are covered. Computer calculation of phase
diagrams for each chapter are discussed. |
Continuing Education |
Courses |
Instructor: R. G. Reddy, L. F. Verdeja, J. P. Sancho M., and I. Imris,
“Avances en Metalurgia Extractiva”, Tópicos - I: Procesos Piró
metalúrgicos; “Metallurgical Lectures on Impurities Capacities of
Slags”, Sponsored by The Universidad de Concepción, Departamento de
Ingeniería Metalúrgica, Concepción, Chile, November 27-28, 2003.
(Technical and research scientists of the Research Centers and
Industries from Chile and Pan America attended these courses) |
Instructors: R.E. Brown, G. Cole, W. Ding and R. G. Reddy, “Magnesium
Metallurgy – Processing and Industrial Applications”, Sponsored by The
Metallurgical Society (TMS), Warrendale, PA, USA, March 1-2, 2003.
(Technical and research scientists of the Research Centers and
Industries from USA and other countries attended these courses) |
Instructor: R. G. Reddy, "Fire Assaying," a gold-silver short course,
co-sponsored by Mackay School of Mines and Divisions of Continuing
Education, the University of Nevada, Reno. The course was offered six
times; May 23-31, 1984, September 5-8, 1986, January 4 -5 and 7-8, 1988,
and January 17-18 and 20-21, 1989. (Through these course offerings a
total amount of $29,650 was brought into the Department of Continuing
Education, Mackay School of Mines, University of Nevada, Reno, NV) |
Instructor: R. G. Reddy, "Thermodynamics of Non-Ferrous (copper, Lead)
Metallurgical Processes" short course was presented. Sponsored by
Metallu`rgie Hoboken-Overpelt (MHO), MHO Research Development Technology
Center, Belgium, February 2-6, 1992. |
Instructor: R. G. Reddy, "Phase Diagrams-Thermodynamics and
Construction"-short course was presented. Sponsored by Union Miniere,
Hoboken, Belgium, December 14-18, 1992. |
Instructor: R. G. Reddy, "Thermodynamics of Non-Ferrous Metallurgical
Processes"-short course was presented. Sponsored by Union Miniere,
Research Development Technology Center, Hoboken, Belgium, April 12-17,
1997. (Technical and research scientists of the Belgium Research Centers
and Industries attended these courses) |
Instructor: R. G. Reddy and R. K. Mishra, IPMI Lectures: "Precious
Metals Extraction and Refining from Secondary Sources" Short course was
presented. Sponsored by International Precious Metals Institute (IPMI),
Allentown, PA, USA, June 12 - 13, 1993. (Technical and research
scientists of the Research Centers and Industries from USA and other
countries were attended these courses) |
Instructor: R. G. Reddy:
Engineering Education Panel, Speaker, Carbon Management
Technology Conference a(CMTC),
Orlando, FL, February 7, 2012. |
Lecture: “Thermodynamics of Highly Ordered Silicate and Borate Melts”,
at “Molten Salts – Fundamentals and Applications” Conference, Kas,
Turkey, May 7-14, 2001. |
Workshop-Trilateral EU-Japan-USA: Invited lecture, "Rare and Reactive
Metals Separation processes and Recycling", Critical Materials, on
Substitute, Reduce, Resource and Recycle of Rare Earth Elements, Tokyo,
Japan 03/28/12 - 03/29/12. |
University-Materials Genome Initiative: Keynote Speech, "Materials
Genome Initiative (MGI): Solar Energy A Sustainable Alternative Energy
Source", Shanghai, China, May 26, 2012. |
Foresight Seminar: Invited Lecture, "Ionic Liquids: Buzzword or
Miracle?” Lulea University of Technology (LUT), Sweden, August 28, 2012. |
Science Forum Lecture: 102-Invited lecture, “Nanotechnology for Defence
Applications”, DRDO, New Delhi, India, July 12, 2013. |
Lectures: Thermodynamics of Phase Diagrams and Phase Diagram
Construction, University of Science and Technology Beijing (USTB),
China, July 12-25, 2015. |
R.G.Reddy,Burnum Distinguished Faculty Award Lecture,
“A new thinking in decarbonization of metals manufacturing”,
University of Alabama,Tuscaloosa,21 Feb, 2022. |
Workshops |
National Science
Foundation - 3-D
Nanomanufacturing, UA-NSF-North Eastern University, Birmingham, AL, Jan
5-6, 2003. |
National Science Foundation -
Environmental Benign Manufacturing, UA-NSF-North Carolina State
University, Birmingham, AL,Jan
9-10, 2003. |
“Fire Assaying” sponsored by Canadian Mineral Analysts,
CMA’97, Quebec City, Quebec, Canada, September 14, 1997. |
NASA/MSFC: “Materials Sciences for Advanced Space Propulsion - A
Planning Workshop”, at Hilton Huntsville, Huntsville, AL October 8-11, 2001 |
National Institute of Technology (NITW):
Special Lectures: "Nanoscale Materials - Fundamentals and Processing",
Warangal, India, January 30-31, 2013. |